Friday, September 9, 2011

24 days till launch and we want your support!

When we started to work on the concept of AssentWorks, it became clear there were a number of "build it and they will come" issues. So we decided to start small, find a community, tell our story and grow together as we build business in Manitoba. 

With the support of key founding sponsors (The Eureka Project & The Eureka Project) and amazing volunteers (see below) we have been able to raise the first $50,000 for start up costs, complete basic planning in six months and turn several hundred of hours of donated time into a beta facility three months. 

Yet, this is just the begining of our journey! 

We need an additional sponsors to let this initiative flourish and we'd love to see them at our side on opening day. Our fully operational phase one goals require funding of an additional $175,000.00 to purchase our entire rough prototyping equipment suite, complete basic facility upgrades such as HVAC and expand the services we can provide the community. 

Please inform businesses and organizations that you know who are committed to real growth in the Manitoban community that we want their involvement in this initiative. From volunteer time, advisory services for our community, to financial support every step is a step in the right direction. This is something that can't be done by one person or group, we need the support of businesses like the one your at right now to make Manitoba a great place to prosper!

See you at the Grand Opening Event on October 27th!

Thanks to our supporters!
A big thanks to the organizations that have pitched in, provided support and some great advisement regarding the development activities this month, including: Aquaventronics, Circle Design Incorporated, Duxton Windows, Economic Development Winnipeg / YES! Winnipeg, The Eureka Project, Adrian Stoness, Evan Andrew, Colin Stanners, Kevin Guenther, Kyle Lenton, Kerry Stevenson (Editor of Fabbaloo)Seccuris, SkullSpace and Technology Revolution.(Sorry to the folks I missed!)

1 comment:

  1. Rapid prototyping is the automatic construction of physical objects using solid freeform fabrication.
    rapid prototyping
